Becoming Raw - 5 Easy Ways To Add More Raw Food Into Your Diet!

Many people now use supplements to help their diets and Wheatgrass has been shown to be among the most used. People have realized how many health benefits they get out of the miracle plant and have added it into their diets very easily. Many health stores and grocery stores sell the grass either in its natural form or in a powder. It also comes in tablet form and as a juice.

Any of these colon cleansing foods are best when they are organic. Organic foods WheatGrass Powder contain far more nutrients. This means eating less for more benefit. In addition, they are not adding to your toxic load, which aids in your cleanse.

Potassium salts are easy to find in most plants. The sodium salts are a little harder to find, and many people are deficient in them. Celery is high in sodium electrolyte minerals, and this is why I recommend celery as the foundation of juices.

Fish oil supplements. Your body needs the omega 3s found in fish oil to function. When you don't get enough, like in most Western diets, your body and brain mechanisms start to break down and you have a higher risk for numerous problems, like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, mental disorders and poor vision, to name a few. Wild fish is great but is often high in mercury and other contaminants so you can only eat so much. Fish more info oil supplements have become the proven answer for many health-conscience individuals.

Juicing wheatgrass is not the same as juicing and drinking other fruits and vegetables. It can be harder on the stomach like many other green vegetables. Because wheatgrass has a strong cleansing effect, you probably should not drink more than about four ounces a day, and never on an empty stomach. If you drink too much, it can cause an upset stomach and nausea. Only drink one glass, a few ounces, of wheatgrass each day or even every other day if you have a stomach that is easily upset. Some people will feel the effects of wheatgrass right away like some people feel coffee or tea.

If you're still using a regular blender to make your recipe, add liquids to the blender first so they don't bind the frozen fruit and get it stuck. It is for this reason that smoothie makers are preferred for making smoothies.

Visit your local juice bar for wheatgrass, vegetable juices, and you can ask them to make you a "just fruit" smoothie. If available, they will even add leafy greens to your smoothie to make you a green smoothie.

One of the best things you could do for your health is to only use extra virgin cold pressed oils such as cold pressed extra virgin olive oil,coconut oil, flax seed oil, and hemp seed oil. Not only are they healthier than refined oils, but they taste amazing! For best results: don't cook with them but rather drizzle them on top of your favorite foods.

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